Firstly, last weekend I had a role in a short film by the lovely Alexandra Leinweber, playing the daughter of the equally-lovely Lynn and Ron Cohen, as well as the mother and wife of other equally-equally-lovely cast members. It involves a seder. And saltines. Poignant and adorable. News to come as I have it.
Secondly, a feature film on which I worked several years ago as a music supervisor, composer, and actor is now available on Amazon. It stars the talented and forever amazingly-amusing Lisa Hammer, Lisa Ferber, Eve Plumb, Lisa Lambert, and many more. Watch The Sisters Plotz here. And look out for that nanny.
Thirdly, I am very much done with summer. Never a huge fan of humidity or temperatures over, say, 75 degrees, I’m one of those odd ducks who goes into a sort of coma during the warmer months and starts to perk back up once signs of fall appear.* After getting lost while driving to a meeting in Great Neck a few days ago and spying a tree whose leaves were beginning to turn a beautiful orange, I am already dreaming of the first frost, filling my lungs with blissfully chilly early-morning air, wearing my favorite stripey scarf (the sort of which Piglet would undoubtedly approve), and tea. So much tea.
Autumn, I am ready for you.
*Halloween candy on store shelves in early August does not count.